Introducing “Present Kinako” from the beloved “My Cat is a Kawaii Girl” illustrated by the renowned artist Shimahara. Joining the latest figure lineup by GOLDENHEADPLUS, this delightful creation adds a touch of vibrancy to your daily life. With an affectionate pose, Kinako sits atop a gift box, her wide eyes and radiant smile exuding happiness. She wears a cozy outfit, her cute ears sticking out of the hoodie, along with twinkling eyes that meet ours. The accompanying gift box features an interactive element, allowing you to actually utilize it for storage. Embrace her charm and order yours today!
Palette “My Cat is a Kawaii Girl” Okigae Collection Present Kinako
1 in stock
General Safety Warning: Products available at Project KE are designed with Adult Collectors in mind. Some items may include sharp points, small parts, choking hazards, and other elements that are not suitable for individuals under 16 years old. We prioritize the safety of our customers and encourage adult supervision when handling such items. Please be mindful of product descriptions and warnings to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for collectors of all ages.
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