Strike Noir Gundam, the protagonists of Mobile Suit Gundam Seed CE73-Stargazer, has been added to the MG series. With new wrist joints, it is easier to pose than ever before while using the many weapons that are included as part of this kit!
Product Features
-1/100 Scale
-Made of plastic
-From the Mobile Suit Gundam Seed CE73-Stargazer anime
-Fully articulated once complete
-Instructions may or may not include English translation
-No glue required for assembly, a hobby nipper is required to remove parts from runners
-Action Base not included
Box Contents
-Pieces to build
-Strike Noir Gundam
-2 High Energy Beam rifles
-2 Shorty Beam Rifles
-Large Beam Rifle
-2 Swords
-2 Sword effects
-Rocket anchor
-8 Hands
-Decal sheet
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