Piloted by Zechs Merquise, the infamous Gundam Epyon flies into the MG Gundam Wing line! Redesigned by Hajime Katoki, this model of the Epyon features a highly poseable inner frame with an incredible transformation gimmick to recreate its iconic flight mode!
Gundam Epyon
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General Safety Warning: Products available at Project KE are designed with Adult Collectors in mind. Some items may include sharp points, small parts, choking hazards, and other elements that are not suitable for individuals under 16 years old. We prioritize the safety of our customers and encourage adult supervision when handling such items. Please be mindful of product descriptions and warnings to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for collectors of all ages.
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Weight | 1.90 lbs |
Dimensions | 15.47 × 12.20 × 3.19 in |
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